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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2009-03-04 13:22 来源:188bet滚球游戏  
核心提示:188bet滚球游戏 导读:英国有更多的企业开始拒绝使用六种色素,因为它们可能导致儿童的多动症。 原文报道: The Agency has updated its list of product ranges from food manufacturers, caterers and retailers that do not contain the six food colours associated wit

    188bet滚球游戏 导读:英国食品标准局从食品生产商,食品服务部门,食品零售商处重新列出食品名单,这些食品中不含有可能会导致儿童多动症的6种食品色素


The Agency has updated its list of product ranges from food manufacturers, caterers and retailers that do not contain the six food colours associated with possible hyperactivity in young children.

The lists include both companies whose product ranges have never contained the six colours as well as product ranges that have been reformulated to remove the colours. The colours, identified by a Southampton University study financed by the Food Standards Agency, are:

  • sunset yellow FCF (E110)
  • quinoline yellow (E104)
  • carmoisine (E122)
  • allura red (E129)
  • tartrazine (E102)
  • ponceau 4R (E124)

Retailers that now have own-range product lines free from the colours include the Co-operative Group and Londis.

Food manufacturers producing product lines free of the colours include Cool Drinks company, Lakeland, Montgomeryshire Natural Spring Water products, Plas Farm Ltd, Rubicon Drinks, and Sunny Delight Beverage Company.

The Agency is publicising the product ranges to encourage the food industry to participate in the voluntary ban. The voluntary ban was agreed to by Ministers late last year.

Consumers who are particularly concerned about the presence of the colours will be advised to continue to check labels, especially in the case of products with a long shelf-life where the availability of reformulated products may vary.

Any food manufacturer or retailer wishing to notify the Agency their brands or products are free of these colours, should email details to Clair Baynton, at

The Agency’s website will be updated regularly as new information is provided.


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