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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2009-06-17 14:21 来源:加拿大食品检疫局 
核心提示:188bet滚球游戏 导读:2009年6月12日,加拿大就韩国饼干发布预警,原因是其中含有未标识的过敏源鸡蛋,牛奶,榛子等。 原文报道: OTTAWA, June 12, 2009 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning people with allergies to milk, eggs or hazelnuts not t

    188bet滚球游戏 导读:2009年6月12日,加拿大就韩国饼干发布预警,原因是其中含有未标识的过敏鸡蛋牛奶榛子等。


OTTAWA, June 12, 2009 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning people with allergies to milk, eggs or hazelnuts not to consume various Lotte and Crown brands of Biscuits described below. These products contain allergens which are not declared on the labels.

All codes of the following Lotte and Crown brands of Biscuits, products of Korea, are affected by this alert. Product information below can be found on the package and the sticker applied for the Canadian market.

Brand Product Size UPC Code Undeclared allergens
Lotte Aeration Chocolate Biscuit 44 8 801062 266692 milk, hazelnuts
Crown Biscuits (61-Cream) 161 8 801111 614443
8 801111 110839
milk, eggs
Crown Creamy Butter Biscuits 276 8 801111 614160 milk
Crown Creamy Butter Biscuits 161 8 801111 614146 milk
Crown Strawberry Sando Biscuit 323 8 801111 110860 milk, eggs
Crown Strawberry Sando Biscuit 161 8 801111 614429
8 801111 110822
milk, eggs
Crown Vic Pie (Strawberry) 323 8 801111 180498
8 801111 614313

These products are known to have been distributed in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, but may have been distributed nationally.

There have been no reported allergic reactions associated with the consumption of these products.

Consumption of these products may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to milk, eggs, or hazelnuts.

The importers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. The CFIA is monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.

For more information, consumers and industry can call the CFIA at 1-800-442-2342 / TTY 1-800-465-7735 (8:00 to 8:00 Eastern time, Monday to Friday). Eastern time, Monday to Friday). to 8:00 Eastern time, Monday to Friday).

For information on milk, egg, and tree nuts (hazelnut), three of the nine most common food allergens, visit the Food Allergens web page at:
Milk  http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/labeti/allerg/milklaite.shtml
Eggs  http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/labeti/allerg/eggoeue.shtml
Tree nuts  http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/labeti/allerg/nutnoie.shtml

For information on receiving recalls by e-mail, or for other food safety facts, visit our web site at www.inspection.gc.ca.


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