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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2010-02-05 13:56 来源:英国食品标准局 
核心提示:188bet滚球游戏 导读:2010年2月4日,澳大利亚一公司拟申请英国标准局在简化程序下批准野鼠尾草籽作为新资源食品。野鼠尾草籽是一种典型薄荷植物的种子。所谓新资源食品是指1997年5月15日以前在欧盟没有消费历史的食品或食品成分。 原文报道: An Australian company has as

    188bet滚球游戏 导读:2010年2月4日,澳大利亚一公司拟申请英国标准局在简化程序下批准野鼠尾草籽作为新资源食品。野鼠尾草籽是一种典型薄荷植物的种子。所谓新资源食品是指1997年5月15日以前在欧盟没有消费历史的食品或食品成分


An Australian company has asked the Agency's expert advisers on novel foods to consider its application for the chia seed under the simplified approval procedure. The seed is from a type of mint plant. A novel food is a food or food ingredient that does not have a significant history of consumption within the European Union (EU) before 15 May 1997.

The simplified approval procedure and 'equivalence'

The Chia Company is requesting an opinion from the Agency on the ‘equivalence’ of their Australian-grown chia seed to be used in bread products. The basis of this request is that its product is equivalent to the chia seed grown in South America.

The European Commission Novel Foods Regulation includes a simplified approval procedure for when a company thinks its novel food is substantially equivalent to a food that is already on the market. In such a situation, the applicant can submit a notification to the European Commission after obtaining an opinion on equivalence from an EU Member State – in this case the UK.

About chia

Chia (also known as Salvia hispanica) is a summer annual herbaceous plant belonging to the mint family. Chia is grown commercially in several Latin American countries and Australia, but the chia seed has not been consumed to a significant degree in the EU and is therefore considered to be a novel food.

The company intends to limit the use of its chia seed to bread products at a maximum level of 5%. This is consistent with authorisation given to the South American-grown chia seed in 2009.

Before any new food product can be introduced on the European market it must be rigorously assessed for safety. In the UK, the assessment of novel foods is carried out by an independent committee of scientists appointed by the Food Standards Agency, the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP).


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