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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2010-07-16 07:58 来源:加拿大食品检疫局 原文:
核心提示:188bet滚球游戏 导读:加拿大政府致力于确保在联邦注册的公司所屠宰的动物在运输和屠宰的过程中享受人道的待遇,以及确保来源于这些动
188bet滚球游戏 导读:加拿大政府致力于确保在联邦注册的公司所屠宰动物在运输和屠宰的过程中享受人道的待遇,以及确保来源于这些动物的食品是安全的。加拿大食品检验局将依法核实,并依法执行。

CFIA working to enforce humane transport and slaughter practices

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that animals slaughtered in federally registered establishments are treated humanely during transport and slaughter, and that food derived from these animals is safe. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) verifies compliance with legislation, and enforces that legislation.

The CFIA enforces
  • the Health of Animals Regulations, which govern the humane transportation of all animals in Canada, and
  • the Meat Inspection Regulations, which govern the humane handling and slaughter of animals in federally registered slaughter establishments.
CFIA inspectors, including veterinarians, are continuously present during operations at federally registered establishments to verify that food safety and animal welfare requirements are met.

Our inspectors are on hand and able to determine the effectiveness of the humane slaughter, including stunning, the operation that renders an animal unconscious. While the safety of our staff is a concern when firearm stunning is used, all horse plants have operational procedures in place so that the stunning can be observed and the effectiveness of stunning can be evaluated.

We review and investigate allegations and require that corrective action be taken by establishments when necessary. Our regional veterinary officers and the plant inspection staff verify that the new measures are implemented effectively.

We take allegations of violations to the Health of Animals Regulations seriously. Alleged cases of animal mistreatment during transportation or at slaughter must be reported as soon as possible to the nearest CFIA office. That will give us the opportunity to do an effective investigation and take appropriate and decisive action.
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