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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2010-07-16 08:45 来源:英国食品标准局 原文:
核心提示:英国食品标准局于2010年7月14日在全国范围内开展如何帮助企业避免大肠杆菌O157 的污染。
188bet滚球游戏 导读:英国食品标准局于2010年7月14日在全国范围内开展如何帮助企业避免大肠杆菌O157 的污染。

Agency consults on E.coli prevention
Wednesday 14 July 2010

The Food Standards Agency has today started a UK-wide consultation on the best way to help businesses protect against E. Coli O157 contamination.

A public inquiry into the E. Coli O157 outbreak in Wales in 2005, in which one child died, recommended that the Agency should review its guidance to food businesses. It said more clarity should be offered to food businesses and inspectors on the best methods of preventing cross-contamination between raw and ready-to-eat foods.

The Agency has today published proposals for guidance clarifying the need for businesses to implement tougher measures for preventing cross contamination. These include: ensuring physical separation between raw and ready-to-eat foods; new equipment and surface cleaning processes; and effective hand-washing for food workers.

Sarah Appleby, Head of the Food Standards Agency’s Enforcement and Local Authority Delivery Division, said: 'The Agency is determined to work with the food industry and enforcement officers to take the necessary steps to address the risk posed by cross-contamination. We are consulting on proposals to achieve this through voluntary action and we hope that food businesses and local authorities will work with us to implement the new measures. In the longer term, we may also consider the possibility of creating a statutory requirement through the European Commission.'

The consultation document details the key issues that will inform the drafting of the proposed guidance, and the particular questions that the Agency would like stakeholders to respond to. An impact assessment is also included in the consultation package.
 地区: 欧洲 英国
 行业: 食品检测
 标签: 大肠杆菌 标准
 科普: 大肠杆菌 标准
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