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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2023-10-26 10:52 来源:188bet滚球游戏  作者: 泽夕   
核心提示:2023年10月25日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA )发布关于草莓和菠萝中精异丙甲草胺(S-metolachlor)的最大残留限量审查后确认数据的评估。
   188bet滚球游戏 讯  2023年10月25日,欧盟食品安全局EFSA )发布关于草莓菠萝中精异丙甲草胺(S-metolachlor)的最大残留限量审查后确认数据的评估。
  The applicant Syngenta Crop Protection AG submitted a request to the competent national authority in Germany to evaluate the confirmatory data that were identified for S-metolachlor in the framework of the maximum residue level (MRL) review under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 as not available. To address the data gaps, a new freezer storage stability study for S-metolachlor in commodities with high acid content was submitted. However, the data gap on storage stability was considered only partially addressed for strawberries because, in the absence of information on the storage time interval of the samples of the residue trials performed on strawberries, no conclusion on the validity of these trials could be drawn. The data gap on the lack of trials to support the good agricultural practice (GAP) on pineapples was not addressed. Consequently, the existing tentative MRLs for strawberries and pineapple cannot be confirmed and EFSA recommends lowering these MRLs to the enforcement limit of quantification (LOQ). Since a new lower LOQ for enforcement in high acid content commodities of 0.01?mg/kg has been validated, it is proposed to change the existing MRL value from 0.05* to 0.01* mg/kg for these two commodities.
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