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第五届倒计时50天之际 欧莱雅集团北亚及中国首席财务官庞必得谈进博会 参展商联盟开启拓扑行动

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2022-09-23 10:15 来源:中国国际进口博览会 原文:
   L’Oréal is honored to attend today’s event as the chairman of the CIIE Enterprise Alliance on the 50-day countdown to the CIIE, and we are excited to meet you all offline for the first time this year.
  This year is a very unusual one. Despite the uncertainty of the external environment, the CIIE will be held offline as planned. It is this kind of certainty that gives the world even more confidence in China’s sure-footedness and determination to grow with its global partners. With this annual edition, the CIIE chalks up the 5 th year of progress.
  Looking over the past five years we can truly say the CIIE has spawned huge benefits far beyond China’s borders, allowing companies to experience solid gains and enjoy tremendous progress. I believe this is why so many companies, like L’Oréal, are back at the CIIE once again and why more and more new partners have joined us as we begin this exciting countdown to the fifth CIIE.
  Over the past five years we have seen countless exhibits at the CIIE going commercial and further growing into best sellers. With the support of the CIIE 6+365 days One-Stop Trading Services Platform, quality products from all over the world have made their way to the huge Chinese market, becoming part of Chinese consumers’ daily lives.
  We have also seen more and more exhibitors turning into investors who have brought local resources to the CIIE while they are also introduced to the local market. More and more companies have switched from being observers to being very active participants with greater investment and capacity, hoping to have a share of the development opportunities the Chinese market offers. Despite the pall that the pandemic has cast over the world in recent years, it has done nothing to curb the enthusiasm of us participants.
  进博五年,见证了越来越多参展商变投资商,更“进一步”从投资商变成了合伙人——从把地方资源引入进博,到带展商走出 “四叶草”,走进地方,越来越多企业从看一看,走进来,到留下来,增投资,提能级,与中国的发展共享机遇,即便是疫情也没有影响大家的热情。
  Over the past five years, too, we have seen innovative technologies opening up huge market and ecosystem, which have then been further managed to offer more innovation. We can truly say the CIIE is a platform more for innovation than for business where different innovative ideas come up against one other. Star exhibits at the CIIE have put customization, AI, green low-carbon solutions and other emerging trends under the spotlight and made them new focal points for inter-industry innovation. The government have also accelerated the formulation and adoption of new policies that promote these innovations, with the support of dialogue platforms such as the Hongqiao International Economic Forum and committees of the CIIE Enterprise Alliance.
  Some flowers and plants do not confine their blossoms to spring but are perennials, offering joy to the beholder all year round. The CIIE is that kind of flower. Last year the Enterprise Alliance Topology Action we launched received an overwhelming response. Members of the alliance engaged with many professionals – including industry associations, upstream and downstream companies, domestic and overseas partner businesses, high-end individual buyers, media, well-known livestreamers and opinion leaders – encouraging them to become part of the vibrant CIIE ecosystem. Today we announce the official kick-off of Enterprise Alliance Topology Action of the 5th CIIE. We hope the chairs and vice chairs of all the special committees will take the lead and serve as a model, and that all exhibitors will harness the power of the advantages and expertise at their disposal so that together we can make the fifth CIIE a bigger success. Before the CIIE opens we’ll ensure that exhibitors who have made outstanding contributions are recognized, by awarding the Topology Action Star medal.
  一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。2021 年,我们发起的参展商联盟拓扑行动,反响热烈,通过展盟成员的影响力,带动了一批行业协会、上下游企业、国内外企业家伙伴、高端个人买家、 行业媒体、知名主播、意见领袖等专业观众加入了进博会的“朋友圈”。今天,我们宣布:第五届进博会参展商联盟拓扑行动正式启动,希望各专委会会长、副会长单位,发挥示范引领作用,也希望广大展商朋友,发挥自身优势和特长,积极参与,为第五届进博会越办越好贡献力量。我们计划在今年进博会前,为贡献突出的展商颁发“拓扑行动之星”奖牌。
  Dear exhibitor friends, let’s enjoy the blossoming opportunities the CIIE offers while open up our networks and resources to CIIE, sharing a brighter future with China and the world.
  Last but not the least, let me deeply wish the fifth CIIE a big success and wish all exhibitors a fruitful journey at the expo, with the fervent hope that everything runs smoothly for new exhibitors.
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